Elisabeth Wattson - Thundercoil Cities

I spent a lot of time on these miniatures. Remember when i said i needed to take better photos? Well, i decided to grab my wife for this one, and she did not disappoint. Thanks Luann!

I picked up one of the loot studios sci-fi bundles because i really loved the look of this miniature. It's titled "Elisabeth Wattson". It's from the Loot Studios Sep 2023 "Thundercoil Cities" bundle.

Background - why do this mini, and why do all three?

When i first saw this miniature i was very excited. I was in the middle of some other steampunk minis and thought this would be a great addition. However, when i printed up the 32mm version, the face was "melted". So i tried again, and it didn't work either (i can't remember what went wrong on the 2nd print). So i tried a third time. And yes ... it also had a print failure, and some of the details were muddy. I think it's less about my printer/settings, and more about the miniature. I've not had issues with other prints. And trust me - i print a lot of miniatures.

Anyway, i decided that i'd also print this in 75mm size, just so i could see the details more clearly. And i figured since i was in it this far, why not do the bust as well. I've not done a bust before. But i will definitely be doing them again. It was a pleasure to paint at that scale.

The Bust

As i said, this was the first bust i've ever done. I never understood what the point was before. You can't play with it. And it only shows part of the miniature, so why bother? But after painting one, i get it. It's amazing. I'll be doing more busts in the future.

I'm particularly happy with how the distressed leather turned out. I modeled it after our old leather couch. I also had fun doing the glowing blue/OSL effect on the gun and the base.


I love how this one turned out. I still see a hundred things i'd like to do better. But it's a huge improvement over the last mini. As usual, i made oh-so-many mistakes along the way that jump out at me. But i'm going with my "live and learn" philosophy, and just moving forward, looking towards doing better on the next one.

I was worried about the "dirty white / light grey" shirt, but the effect works rather well. I'll be using it again.


I didn't really enjoy painting the 32mm version of this miniature. The details are obscured (especially the back which is why there's no photo of the rear), and the purse strap is missing. I was just unable to get a clean print. But it's good enough for table top.


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